Elmer, NJ Glass Companies

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Based on several trade journal and newspaper articles, all of the Elmer made insulators have histories tied together.

  • Novelty operated the Upper works from March 1901 thru December 1903.
  • Sterling operated the Lower Works from May 1902 until March 1903
  • Harloe had insulators tested in May 1902 (were these made in Elmer's upper works, the Sterling lower works, or somewhere else??)
  • Sterling plant succeeded by Harloe March 1903
  • Harloe had insulators made in Elmer's Lower Works March 1903-October 1903
  • Harloe moves production to Hawley, PA in Oct. 1903
  • In January 1904, Owners of Novelty (embroiled in a lawsuit with Brookfield) open the Elmer Glass Company in the Lower Works after closing the Upper works.
  • Elmer Glass operates the Lower Works until at least Feb. 1907, by August 1907 they were closed for good.
  • Harloe issued patent #807,459 on December 19, 1905 for threading insulators
  • Harloe assigns his threading patent rights to Brookfield in October 1907
  • Brookfield sells half of those rights to Hemingray in November 1907

There is no hard evidence on when Harloe closed. The evidence might suggest that Harloe went out of business in 1906 or 1907, selling rights to his threading patents in 1907.

Some specific articles to reference:

February 6, 1901 (Commoner & Glassworker) "The past ten days have been important ones for the prosperity of Elmer. Persistent efforts to find a reliable purchaser to buy and operate the Upper Elmer Glass Works has been rewarded, and the buildings and ground have been disposed of and the arrangement approved by Vice Chancellor Reed. The new company is the Novelty Glass Mfg. Co., recently incorporated, with Daniel Parker at the head of it. Mr. Parker, who is a member of the well known firm of Parker Bros., of Bridgeton, has been manufacturing glass since 1882, and is well known in business circles."

Late January/early Feb. 1902 (several sources): Harloe Insulator Company was incorporated. They were planning on building a factory in Hawley, Pa.

April 1902 (Crockery & Glass Journal) The Sterling Glass Co. has been incorporated at Elmer, N.J., with $50,000 capital.

May 1902 (China, Glass & Lamps): A test of the no tie insulators were made

May 31, 1902 (China, Glass & Lamps) "The Sterling Glass Co., a small concern composed of Bridgeton (N.J.) people, have started one furnace at the Elmer (N.J.) Glass Works on pressed ware. In the same factory are the New Jersey Metal Co. and the Gilchrist Improved Jar Co., making fruit jar lids and trimmings."

February 1903 (Commoner & Glassworker) : "It was unanimously agreed to proceed with all possible haste in constructing a modern plant, to manufacture insulators. Orders for four new presses and extra molds were immediately placed with the firm of Brooke and Shields, in New York, who were represented at the Hawley meeting by Wm. D. Brooke. The capacity of these presses will be 20,000 insulators per day. The order for the large melting tank will be placed as soon as competitive bids can be decided upon. The factory will be built on the company's land situated on the Honesdale branch of the Erie railroad. They will make every effort to have the plant in operation before the last of April..."

August 1903 (Elmer Times): The Harloe Insulator Company succeeded the Sterling Glass Co. in March and are now closed making repairs

October 1903 (Elmer Times): Harloe vacates Elmer, NJ glass plant

November 7, 1903 (Commoner & Glassworker): "The old Elmer, N. J., plant which is being vacated by the Harloe Insulator Co., was purchased of A. L. Sturr on Tuesday by Jonathan Parker, of Parker Bros., the Bridgeton glass manufacturers. Whether the factory will be operated or not is not yet know."

January 1904 (Commoner & Glassworker) The employes of the Novelty Glass Works, Elmer, N. J., were paid off in full before the holidays. The plant has been closed several weeks on account of a law suit, and the wages were tied up. While the firm is practically dissolved, the business will be continued as soon as the factory at the lower end of the town, recently purchased by Jonathan W. Parker, of Bridgeton, N. J., can be put in readiness. The new plant will be operated on insulators.

April 1905 (China, Glass & Lamps): "The recent invention of Morton Harloe for the manufacturing of glass insulators was tested at the Hawley, Pa., glass factory last week by members of the Harloe Insulator Co. in the presence of Scranton and Pittston parties, and was declared a success. It is said that an offer was made for the invention after it was tested, but it will not be sold unless the plant at Hawley goes with it."

Nov. 1908 (Commoner and Glassworker) (regarding the demolition of the Lower Works and history of the plant) "....Later the factory was operated for a few months by parties from Pennsylvania, and later still was used for a time by the successors of the Novelty Glass Co."


  • Stahr, Bob. ICON Digest, 11/18/2008, Msg 20.
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