Consolidated Design Number Summary

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Battery Rests

CD 10 to CD 99 - battery rests

Small Unipart pin-type

CD 100 to 144 - side wire groove, single petticoat

CD 145 to 184 - side wire groove, double petticoat

CD 185 to 189 - pinhole goes through the insulator

CD 190 to 205 - transpositions - multiple grooves and may consist of a pair of insulators mounted on a single pin

CD 206 to 249 - saddle groove, double petticoat

CD 250 to 279 - cable top, single or double petticoat

CD 280 to 289 - side wire groove, triple petticoat

CD 290 to 309 - saddle groove, triple petticoat


CD 310 to 314 - sleeves (used to protect the pins on multipart insulators)

Large Unipart Power pieces

CD 315 to 334 - umbrella type large power pieces, one-piece

Multipart Power Pieces

CD 335 to 375 - umbrella type large power pieces, multi-part cemented together

Foreign threaded pintype insulators

There are a number of foreign CD styles that are the same as the North American styles. In these cases, the CD assigned for the North American insulator is used.

(selected styles that are the same as North American styles use CD 100 to 334)

CD 335 to 399 - two and three part high tension styles (cemented)

CD 400 to 499 - side groove, single or double petticoat

CD 500 to 599 - saddle groove, single or double petticoat

CD 600 to 639 - flared skirt, double or triple petticoat

CD 640 to 649 - side groove with support arms, single or double petticoat

CD 650 to 659 - cutout or fuse holder styles

CD 660 to 685 - one or two arms for securing low voltage pairs or drop lines

CD 686 to 699 - unique styles for applications involving two or more special features

Threadless pintype insulators

CD 700 to 700.1 - "Egg" pinhole goes all the way through the insulator

CD 701 to 718 - "Egg" pintypes

CD 721 to 725 - pintype, for use with a wood cover

CD 726 to 728.8 - side wire groove "signal", straight skirt

CD 729 to 732.2 - side wire groove "signal", concave skirt

CD 734 to 735.5 - side wire groove "Pilgrim Hat", one wire ridge

CD 735.6 to 739.5 - side wire groove "Pilgrim Hat", two wire ridges

CD 740 to 742.3 - side wire groove "Pilgrim Hat", rounded dome

CD 743.1 to 743.3 - side wire groove "Beehive"

CD 780 - "Bureau Knob"

CD 784 - 796 - Cross top, slash top, teapot and other miscellaneous styles

Obsolete Foreign pintype insulators

CD 800 to 999 - reassigned to CD numbers CD 376 to 699.

Glass blocks, spools, dead end insulators and miscellaneous styles

This section includes both North American and Foreign styles

CD 1000 to 1016 - glass blocks

CD 1030 to 1040 - miscellaneous glass

CD 1049 to 1100 - glass spool and nail knobs

CD 1130 to 1142 - guy wire strains

Personal tools

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