Previous "What's New?" Listings - January 1, 1999 - June 30, 1999
January 1, 1999 - June 30, 1999
Check out the current "What's New?" section too!
June 5, 1999
- It's here! The long awaited 1999 Price
Guide is now available! There will be plenty on hand at 1999 National Convention,
so you can pick one up at the show.
- The prices on the Glass Insulator Photographs have been
updated to reflect the 1999 Price Guide values.
June 3, 1999
- A Handbook for the Recognition and Identification of Fake,
Altered and Repaired Insulators
Now updated and on-line! Mike Guthrie first wrote this booklet in 1988. Now, he has
updated it with information he and others have continued to gather over the last 11
years. There are significant updates and new sections, as well as over forty color
photographs to supplement the material in the booklet. This booklet is only available
on-line, and no hard copy publication is planned. A fantastic piece of research work!
May 26, 1999
May 4, 1999
May 2, 1999
April 25, 1999
April 11, 1999
April 3, 1999
March 25, 1999
March 13, 1999
March 2, 1999
February 22, 1999
February 4, 1999
January 26, 1999
January 15, 1999
January 3, 1999
Previous "What's New?" listings
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Last updated Thursday, May 26, 2016