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Here are some full color photographs of pictures that appear in issues of Crown Jewels of the Wire. Sorry, but you have to read the magazine for the associated story that goes with each of these photos. But, hey, aren't the color pictures great?
The Iron Horse and The Talking Wire. The insulator of the month - "Sapphire Pattern".
CD 260 Shades of Greatness and CD 152 - One of a Kind.
Insulator auction and a color insert showcasing porcelain insulators.
A threadless Buzby? Identifying EC&M mold styles.
Changing of the editor... By now, you know that
Howard Banks |
Historic date in Crown Jewels of the Wire; some neat information about the New Lexington Insulator Company.
Some great Go-With's and a milky CD 162 Brookfield.
JSIC, some early insulators in service; unusual multiparts.
A nice CD 718 threadless and some early porcelain cutter insulators.
Fort Collins 2002 National Show.
The "Mounds of Muncie" and PIN on porcelain wall tubes.
Great new finds from the US and around the world.
This month features a new style of Fred Locke power insulator CD 247.3
Some Kinda "Daffoldil"!
A new CD 207.5 assignment, and some interesting porcelain insulator finds.
A Valentines wish, and a great "walk-in" at the Mid-Ohio show..
A Chambers "Fruit Jar" and some rare porcelain finds.
Continuing with our tradition we are now in our seventh year of providing high quality photographs of some of the colorful pictures that have appeared in Crown Jewels of the Wire! |
A new CD 124.1; hunting in Mallorca and Mississippi.
Amber blobtops, odd CD 241, CD variants, and PIN photos!
CD 148 unearthed at the Smithsonian Institution!
The 2001 Atlanta National Report - Two spectacular show-stoppers that look better "side" by "side".
CD145 H.G.CO. Petticoat beehives, McLaughlin products and more!
Read about the NIA Western Regional show, and some new porcelain insulator finds in PIN.
A Cal. Elect. Works and some New Foreign CDs
Walk-in's at the Yankee Pole Cat Insulator Show
"Bavarian Bob" from Germany shares some photos, and a Cutter in a tree trunk from the Yuma, AZ show.
The CD 106 Hemingray No. 9 Story.
"Virginia" bullets, Collecting for Fun, and porcelain "Prenzel" patent insulators.
Witness the nice displays by three junior collectors at the fall Albuquerque, New Mexico show.
Here we are in the true "new millennium", now in our sixth year of providing high quality photographs of some of the colorful pictures that have appeared in Crown Jewels of the Wire! |
Visit the home of Craig and Michael Harder, and a really neat porcelain "baby" from France.
Some new finds -- glass and porcelain!
Read about the smallest "Ginger" in Foreign Insulators.
The September issue features the colorful Y2K National Show Report, Bloomington, Minnesota, July 28-30, and some interesting porcelain photos.
Read what was found in a Canadian swamp in Letters to the Editor.
CD 103 and some great blue porcelain!
Historic Port Jervis.
"Glass Junk" from Harrisburg and some new Fred Locke finds.
Arizona Swap Meet, a tribute to Vi & Andy Brown, and looking for classic multiparts.
Ken Willick, NIA Eastern Region Vice President, attending a backyard show.
New gingerbread family members and A Handbook for the Recognition & Identification of Fake, Altered and Repaired Insulators.
Odd insulators, a postcard, and some unique porcelain insulators.
Who is counting? We are now in our fifth year of providing high quality photographs of
some of the colorful pictures that have appeared in Crown Jewels of the Wire.
Once again, my hat goes off to editor
Carol McDougald |
New CD 570 in amber from Russia.
Hugh Barbour shares his insulator finds from the Kootenay Power Company; also, some unusual porcelain insulators.
Read about the auction at the Muncie factory of the Hemingray Glass Company.
Read Kerry Lavendowsk's story "They Aren't Supposed to be Clear!" "It was a time when money was scarce, but not insulators."
Highlights of the 1999 National Insulator Association Convention!
You will be missing Shrines, Mini Poles and the Emminger Auction if you are not reading Crown Jewels of the Wire magazine.
"Good Insulator Collecting is not Dead!"
The Story of the National Insulator Association Glass Commemorative and some early porcelain suspension insulators.
Read about two of the largest glass and porcelain insulators found to date in the double groove cable top and noser styles. See Foreign Insulators!
Read about Paul Ziemer's "Find of a Lifetime" and digging at the Thomas dump.
A neat 1919 postcard and several great photos from the Smithsonian Institution.
Read about Canada's Men in Blue.
Can you believe it? We are now in our fourth year of providing high quality photographs
of some of the colorful pictures that have appeared in Crown Jewels of the Wire.
Webmaster(Bill Meier |
Ed Sewall shows off three M-3725 Fred Lockes.
General Electric Part II and a new multipart porcelain style, M-2617D.
The Brewer's three beautiful H.G.Co. Petticoat beehives!
The 1998 National Show Report, the conclusion of Gary Kline's article CD 162 H.G.CO. Embossing in Transition, and interesting new and rare finds in this months PIN.
CD 162 H.G.CO. Embossing in Transition.
Lt. William "Billy" Mitchell and the Louis Fort insulator.
150 Years of Hemingrays 1948-1998 and more!
CJ on the web, and some interesting items in this month's Porcelain Insulator News column.
Robin Harrison shares his adventure "Walking the lines in Chile" . . . (or the great lost milk glass line)
Read "Scratches from a Hacksaw" and "Digger Darin unearths new CD 271!"
Read the story of the "Thames Glass Works Insulator -- Revisited" - a mystery now solved! �Defuisseaux Baudour� Foreign Porcelain Insulators, and more!
Research trips to France have yielded wonderful new, rare and colorful "gingerbread mommas." Bernie Warren of Anchorage, Alaska shares his story.
Here we are, now in our third year of providing high quality photographs of some of the colorful pictures that have appeared in Crown Jewels of the Wire! |
Holiday Greetings from the staff of Crown Jewels of the Wire.
Another Hemingray find, and some unusual porcelain insulators!
Why is everyone smiling?
The 1997 National Insulator Association Show and Sale
The Southern Porcelain Company
A "wooden-covered threaded strain dryspot" and some great Thomas porcelain insulators.
This month's Foreign Insulator column features some "New Kids on the Block"
Hemingray dump diggings and Porcelain Insulator News photos.
The "Saluda Grade" and some interesting foreign insulators!
An unusual telegraph submarine cable insulator, an article about the settling of the "Northwest Territory", and Porcelain Insulator News photos!
Early porcelain threadless treasures - The mystery of Southern Porcelain Company unearthed.
And a special "Happy Valentine's Day!" postcard
Ad from The Countryside Suburban Life, July 1917 and The Harold H. Brown patent featured in Porcelain Insulator News.
Can you believe it? We are now in our second year of providing high quality photographs of some
of the colorful pictures that have appeared in Crown Jewels of the Wire. Your
Webmaster(Bill Meier |
N. R. Woodward and much more!
A glass "UFI" lands at the Central Regional!
A Tour of the Georgia Rural Telephone Museum.
A beautiful porcelain sign and a colorful porcelain insulator.
What do these four displays have in common?
Read about the different wood covered Canadian Wade insulators and the recent dig of the historic CD 724.3 style.
Porcelain Insulator News features this M-4345.
"W-Y-Z's of the 1-2-3's" - Don't miss updated information on the California E.C.&M.s by Dwayne Anthony.
"Woody Go-Withs"
"The mystery mound of aqua insulators ... and a contest!!!"
"A beautiful piece of Fry glass and the great reunion story ... Butch Haltman, Eloise Haltman and Grant Salzman."
Marilyn Albers defends authenticity ... in the Foreign Porcelain column.
Take a look at "Hemingray Country"; highlights of some of the displays at the NIA Central Regional in London, Ohio.
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Last updated Thursday, May 26, 2016