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CD 211 - Insulator of the Week on Fri, 1 Feb 2008


No Leak

Related Patents

Utility Patent 882,803 issued to Leonard W. Storrer on March 24, 1908


CD 211 filled with junk!

Embossing: (f) Brookfield (b) No Leak D./Patented

These are found in shades of aqua, green aqua and near green. Only a small number have been found with notable amounts of bubbles or inclusions. The one on the right is an unusual example.

This is a two-piece design with a glass insert. As described in the patent info, the glass insert was designed to fit into the underside of the insulator to maintain a dry and clean zone within the inner skirt area, thus the name "No Leak". This, of course, was for the prevention of current leakage due to wet weather or the build up of debris, such as spider webs. Due to the fragile nature of the insert, there are many Brookfield No Leaks in the hobby that lack a matching insert. I'll stretch my neck out and say at least half, maybe more, of the No Leaks known are "insert-less", with some inserts having been repaired. PicturePoster #16030996

It appears that a good number of the No Leaks found in collections today have originated from the Stampede Pass line in Washington State. Other reports indicate spotty finds near Norwich, NY and "near an oil refinery in CA".

A special dual pin assembly is reported to have been used with this insulator on the Stampede Pass line: PicturePoster #115995826

Following is a link from the Crown Jewels of the Wire archives. This article was written by Elton Gish in the May 1986 issue. Note the locations of the test lines. Anyone know of any being found specifically in these areas? Who knows, maybe the first ones tested were porcelain?

There was a report in a 1970 issue of Crown Jewels that a rubber gasket or washer was found with a No Leak and insert. Can anyone verify that a washer was used?

These brief comments on the Insulator of the Week are not intended to be complete and are presented to encourage discussion and additional information from ICON. Now it's your turn to share info and/or post photos of your favorite CD 211 Brookfield No Leak!




Bart Magoffin commented on Fri, 1 Feb 2008

I personally found No-Leak D's along a telephone open wire line in the SF Bay Area during my early days of collecting. I plan to visit the line again sometime, and will report what I find. I found a total of about 6, and only half of one insert. It looked like there were two per pole on a line that was at least 4 crossarms. From the history of the line, it looks like Pacific Telephone may have experimented with these. I remember pulling several 1912 date nails from the poles.

Ron Yuhas commented on Sat, 2 Feb 2008

A number of years ago I bought a collection in Central Montana that had a CD 211 No leak in it. The individual had worked in California and did say that this piece had come out of an oil refinery in California. I cannot remember the exact location but possibly Long Beach? These Insulator of the Week discussions are disturbing old weak brain cells in my head that thought they could rest!

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