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CD 145 - Insulator of the Week on Fri, 07 Mar 2008



Related Patents

Design Patent 14,674 issued to Samuel Oakman on May 2, 1893


Because of the large number of CD 145 embossings, let's break it down to the first four alphabetically. We'll cover the remaining CD 145s as additional groupings in the future. The following is only the tip of the iceberg on each listing. Please add to this information.

Am. Insulator Co.: Found in very attractive colors. Aqua shades to the deep sky blues are the most affordable and prevalent. The green shades begin with light green, lime green, apple green and green; and then advance to yellow green and yellow olive green. Near the top of the desirability scale is the yellow olive amber. Finally, resting at the top is the honey amber American beehive, with maybe only two or three known? (Can someone confirm the numbers of honey ambers known?) As for blends and oddities, they can be found in blue and green two-tones, milky aqua and light jade aqua milk. A fabulous green specimen was found in Mexico full of frothy swirls.

The embossing on all American beehives is found on the base rim. They can be found with two or three patent dates, some with errors. The scarcest embossing is the one containing an error in spelling: "Insolator". All contain the nearly threadless upper pinhole from the use of a collapsible threading mandrel. New York is well known as the source for some of the more colorful green to olive green shades. Any other locations to share on any of the colors?

B: As is commonly known, this is a Brookfield product and found in many shades of aqua, blue and green, plus off clear, gray and light to medium shades of purple. Olive amber and brown amber examples can often be found with attractive "tiger stripes". Many are found very crudely made, with offset pinholes and inner skirts, some with huge bubbles, steam and light milk. There is one example known that is a wild jade aqua slag (pic forthcoming).

They can be found with a smooth base or sharp drip points. They can be embossed with a single "B", a double "B" (front & rear), or with "No 44" embossed on the rear. Some display the BGM Co blot outs. "B" beehives have been found extensively across the US and Canada. Canada is especially known for the abundance of crude examples found.

B.G.M. Co: Baltimore Glass Manufacturing Company. Found in off clear to yellow and green tints, as well as a very light purple tint through dark purple. This company is shrouded in some interesting history that maybe someone might care to share? Any reports on locations of usage?

Brookfield: Wow, where to begin?! A book can be written just on this insulator alone (actually, I believe one IS being written). Found with skirt and crown embossing. Skirt embossed units can be found with a smooth base or sharp drip points. All crown embossed are smooth base.

Skirt embossed are found in the typical shades of aqua and green, including yellow green and deep yellow green. I have personally seen only one olive amber example, but there must be others out there? A thick, heavy mold variant can be found in a beautiful glowing yellow green chartreuse. Some aqua examples can be found with milk swirls.

Crown embossed are also found in the typical shades of aqua and green, including chartreuse and yellow olive green, light to deep shades of purple, gray blue to light sapphire blue. Some can be found with milk or amber swirls. Some examples have been found with interesting contaminants in the glass, such as wire, nails, etc. Aqua Brookfield beehives saw widespread use across the country. Please share locations of usage for the more uncommon colors.

These brief comments on the Insulator of the Week are not intended to be complete and are presented to encourage discussion and additional information from ICON. Now it's your turn to share info and/or post photos of your favorite CD 145 American, B, BGM and Brookfield beehives!




Caleb Thimell commented on Thu, 6 Mar 2008

I know quite a few American embossed insulators have been found in Mexico. I've purchased examples of cd 134 from there (and offered beehives too). The beehives show up frequently at shows here in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. I recall Brent sharing stories here on ICON of various lines that used them in the area. Here's where some of the darker Blue examples have been found.

Bob Stahr commented on Thu, 6 Mar 2008

In regards the the history of BGM, Baltimore Glass Manufacturing Co. was incorporated in December 1895, and a factory was erected in early 1896. Glass went into production in late March of 1896. By March of 1897, BGM was placed into receivership and was placed up for auction in July of 1897. An article from August 1897 outlines that part of the sale included 4 insulator presses. Of interest, William Brookfield was the high bidder at the auction.

Pat Barkwell commented on Fri, 7 Mar 2008

Dwayne-One of my favorite cd's. The "B"'s are one I feel a wee bit knowledgable on. In addition to SDP's and SB, you neglected to mention the RB or MLOB base type. I purchased some great green colored B's a while back for just a couple of bucks. Upon closer examination, I realized the mold line went right underneath the base. I headed strait for the price guide, only to discover the significant price difference. Thats my "happy ending" cd 145 tale. Sleigh ride anyone ?

Robin Plewes commented on Fri, 7 Mar 2008

There have been some 145 Americans found in the wild in Southern Ontario. Common aqua and blues mostly, but there have been a couple of nice yellow green shades also.

Dwayne Anthony commented on Fri, 07 Mar 2008

Here are three additional new pics to go with this week's Insulator of the Week theme for specific CD 145s:

Foamy jade milk carbon speckled "B" beehive:

Crown Embossed Brookfield with square nail:

Crown Embossed Brookfield with twisted wire bail:

Personal tools

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