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CD 106 - Insulator of the Week on Thur, 24 Jan 2008


"Pony" style

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Because of the large number of CD 106 embossings, let's break it down to the following for now. We'll cover the remaining ones (Gayner, Hemingray, Lynchburg, Maydwell, McLaughlin, Star & the "Denvers") in the future.

Am. Tel. & Tel. Co.: Aqua w/sharp drip points. One of the rarest of the 106 embossings. Not many collectors even know these exist. I have only seen one in person and have heard of another. Anyone own one; know of more than two; have a photo?

Ayala: Light green and honey amber. The honey ambers are very scarce. (Mexico)

Birmingham: Just a pretty uniform shade of straw for these.

CIA Comercial: Additional embossing is /Ericsson S.A/. Shades of aqua, green and cornflower blue. Some of the lighter shades can be found full of fizzy bubbles. (Mexico)

Diamond: Clear, pink, peach & straw. Interestingly enough, these are found with vertical and horizontal diamonds. (Canada)

Ericsson: Shades of clear, aqua, green, blue, cornflower blue, yellow olive green & root beer amber. Some are found with fizzy bubbles. The root beer ambers are quite scarce. There is only one yellow olive green accounted for. Some are embossed with /Telefonos/ on the rear skirt, or VM monogram in a circle. (Mexico)

No Embossing: Unembossed Birminghams in straw are listed here, as well as an unknown dark aqua green (what is this, a KCGW product?)

No Name: Here we have several. First is the embossed "7" and those with a vertical bar in shades of aqua and green---these are KCGW products. Then we have one in straw with an embossed number on the skirt---another Birmingham product. Finally we have those with only "NO. 9" or "NO. 90" embossed---likely Gayner products?

No Name Mexico: Several variants of the monogram triangle in clear to light greens. Another with SM-1 in green blackglass---I only know of two (any more out there?). Finally, there are two (sdp & rdp) with blotted out embossing in clear, straw, shades of green and blue.

OVG Co: Ohio Valley Glass. Shades of aqua, blue, green, including dark green and yellow green. The last two colors are the most sought after and are occasionally found available, but considered scarce.

PSSA: Shades of straw, green and blue, often bubbly. (Mexico)

Ruiz: Embossed "JJ Ruiz Y Hnos". A recently new discovery, with only two known in aqua. The pair were purchased in Northern California just prior to being introduced to the hobby. (Mexico)

V.B.: Listed only in aqua. (Mexico)

These brief comments on the Insulator of the Week are not intended to be complete and are presented to encourage discussion and additional information from ICON. Now it's your turn to share info and/or post photos of your favorite CD 106's listed above! (I know there are a few specialists lurking out there that can add much to this discussion...even if it's just a few words from each of you.)




Keith Roloson commented on Thu, 24 Jan 2008

Dwayne and all - yes I saw one, perhaps the same one you saw. It was on a sales table at a National Show ............ 6 years ago maybe? I'm quite sure it was on Jack Riesselman's table.

Foolishly I did not photograph it. I just stood in awe.

Mike Guthrie commented on Thu, 24 Jan 2008

I've never seen the Am Tel 106 but at the Fresno NIA National Jack Riesselman told me that he had one in storage somewhere. FWIW

Pat Barkwell commented on Thu, 24 Jan 2008

Dwayne-Good pick this week. Regarding the 2 JJ Ruiz's, a collector friend and mentor of mine purchased one of them on ebay a year or so ago. It is a piece that could easily be lost at a glance due to its common color. Upon handling it however, the "feel" of it, as well as the embossing, let you in right away that this isnt your garden variety Hemi 9 ! I happened to see what it sold for in the ebay auction and made mention of it. My friends comment was "Maybe someday they will find a wheelbarrow full of them, but until they do, I own one of two" I then gently place it back upon its shelf. What else could I do ? His Emminger looked lonely !

Andrew Gibson commented on Fri, 25 Jan 2008

When was the CD 106 introduced, and when was it last produced?

Hemingray made them just prior to the introduction of drip points, circa 1892 or thereabouts, didn't they? The KCGW No Name units would have been made around 1895-1897, GOOD would be 1897-1899, and I think all the others are latter than that. That would seem to say that Hemingray originated the shape in the very early 1890s?

Obviously production continued for quite some time. The HEMINGRAY variants in clear with Numbers and Dots were certainly made in the 1930s and undoubtedly later. Maydwells were produced 1935-1940, and I have no real idea of when the Mexican ones were made. Does anyone know when Hemingray stopped manufacturing the CD 106? One reference I have mentions a Hemingray CD 106 with "#-0:::.", which I think corresponds to 1947.

Colin Jung commented on Fri, 25 Jan 2008

Take one of the most common embossings Am Tel. & Tel. Co., combine it with one of the most common insulator styles, CD 106, and one of the most common insulator colors, aqua, and you end up with one of the rarest insulators you will ever set your eyes on.

I have seen it. It is real. Maybe it will make an appearance at the Portland National. I know the owner will be there.

Dave French commented on Sat, 26 Jan 2008

One thing that always puzzled me about the CD 106 is that there are no known Brookfield-marked units. During that era many if not most of the best selling designs were produced by both Hemingray and Brookfield, but in this case it appears Hemingray went with the 106 and Brookfield stayed with the CD 102. I wonder why?

Brent Burger commented on Sat, 26 Jan 2008

The 102 dates back to 1878, and as you state, the Brookfield Boys really liked that design. It WAS very successful for them (even to the end) even though it arguably was made "obsolete" with later pony designs such as the 120, 124, and 106.

Hemingray first offered the 120 and 124 along about 1886, and the 106 in 1893, yet continued to offer all three for many years, and sometime after 1901 offered a 102 ! Make sense of that ! ..... guess they wanted to cover ALL bases !

Keep in mind that the shortcoming of the 102, or the advantage of the 106 over the 102 was the deeper wire groove produced by the large wire ridges, .... and this was overcome in later years by Brookfield by making the "deep groove" 102 ...... the CD 101.

Richard Wentzel commented on Sun, 27 Jan 2008

I've added a few photos of E. S. A. CD 106 insulators here:

Edward Brown commented on Mon, 28 Jan 2008

This VM embossed (Vidreras Monterrey) CD 106.4 in radioactive "kryptonite green" glass is a great example of this particular CD 106 variant.

The CD 106 also has numerous Mexican representatives, marked PSSA, Ericsson, and many others. Some examples here:

Dwayne Anthony commented on Thu, 31 Jan 2008

Before moving on to the next IOTW, I wanted to make a brief comment on the Am Tel CD 106 with drips. After making contact with the owners of this piece and following its chain of owners since the 1970s, I am fairly certain that there is only one known in the hobby at this time. The earliest of the owners was Roy Galloway.

A very intriguing piece, indeed!

Bill Meier commented on Tue, 05 Feb 2008

The owner passed along this photo to me.

Looks like a plain aqua piece you could easily overlook for a Hemi 9 unless you were looking closely enough to pick up on the embossing...

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