Electrical World

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The following is a history of the evolution of the trade journal which has come to be known as Electrical World.


Operator and Electrical World

v.14 no.1 - v.14 no.16; January - ­ April 21, 1883

Electrical World

v.1 no 17 - v.33 no. 9; v.47 no.1 - v.216 no.2; April 28, 1883 - March 4, 1899

Electrical World and Electrical Engineer

v. 33 no.10 - v.33 no.25; March 11, 1899 - June 24, 1899

Electrical World and Engineer

v.34 no.1 - ­v.46 no.27; July 1, 1899 - December 30, 1905

Electrical World

January 6, 1906 - ­June 2002

Personal tools

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