Insulator Tidbits

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This section contains little "tidbits" of information shared by people on ICON. Why don't you add something yourself? Just click on the "edit" tab above, and start your tidbit! It will probably ask you to login in. Follow the instructions on ICON.

Append your tidbit to the end of this page. Leave a blank line to start a new paragraph. Be sure to click the "Save Page" button near the bottom of this page.

Let's see what information we can build up here!


This is the first tidbit. The tidbit is that we have a place for tidbits!

Most collectors refer to CD 187 and CD 188s as mine insulators. They were really Duplex Insulators used with a double threaded pin. The Browns Pony was installed on the bottom thread; a regular insulator held the top thread position. J White - Indianapolis

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