Chicago Insulating Company

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It is known that the Chicago Insulating Co. incorporated in November 1882.

The CD 109 & 135 design wire groove was applied for patent in July 1883, and was granted July 27, 1883.

Leonard Glass Works from Detroit Michigan made insulators for the Chicago Insulating Co. It is unknown what particular embossing styles.

Leonard Glass Works filed suit in February 1885 to recover $8,000 owed to them by Chicago Insulating Co.

A September 1887 newspaper reported in part about the lawsuit "The bill charges that the stock was never paid for and that the directors of the Insulating Company managed the affairs of that company so recklessly that it became insolvent. The court is asked to compel the stockholders of the defendant concern to pay the amount of their stock and to dissolve the corporation" It swould seem that the company was bankrupt by 1887, and possibly even before the lawsuit was filed in 1885.

The lawsuit between the two was dragged througth the courts until at least June 1892.

Another east coast glass company may have also made some the Chicago's, but there is only have circumstantial evidence at this time.


  • Stahr, Bob. ICON Digest, 11/23/2008, Msg 16.
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