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CD 105 - Insulator of the Week on Thu, 27 Oct 2008


"Lined dome"; "dotted and lined dome"; and "smooth dome" (to differentiate the variants).

Related Patents

Oakman patent for making glass insulator molds depicts what appears to be a CD 105: [1]


Embossing Types:

  • 1. Base of insulator is embossed: Am Ins Co Pat Sep 13 1881, with smooth dome, series of lines over dome, or series of lines and dots over dome;
  • 2. Same as #1, except 1881 is abbreviated to "81" and smooth dome only;
  • 3. Same as #1, except "Am Ins Co" is omitted, smooth dome only;
  • 4. No embossing and smooth dome.

Colors: Varying shades of aqua and light green. A few have been found with moderate milky olive swirling or contaminants.


Some exciting information has been uncovered regarding CD 105s (and others) that is shared at: [2] The Lyndeborough Glass Co of N.H., has been attributed to the manufacture of CD 105s. Whether they were the sole manufacturer we don't know for sure. The glass quality and colors appear to be quite similar, as if from the same source.

The purpose of the lines and dots (if any?) is a mystery. This CD is prone to damage, so finding a mint one can be quite challenging. We have reports of them being used in Nova Scotia, Canada. Anyone know of any other locales?

These brief comments on the Insulator of the Week are not intended to be complete and are presented to stimulate and encourage discussion and additional information from ICON. Now it's your turn to share info and/or post a photo of your favorite CD 105s!




Bill Meier commented on Mon, 27 Oct 2008

In the full insulator patent reference library, this can be found at


Andrew Gibson commented on Thu, 30 Oct 2008

The dates for the American Insulator Company are generally thought to be 1883-1886. [4]

states "By June of 1885, the company made insulators for the American Insulators Company and were the principal items produced -- it is believed that these insulators may have been the last wares manufactured under the name Lyndeborough. By January 1886, the factory was reorganized and was called the Crystal Glass Company . . . In April of 1886, the factory was again in operation, concentrating on blowing, trimming and packing fruit jars". This implies that Lyndeborough perhaps only made insulators for American in 1885. Of the 6 embossing variations of the CD 105, 4 of them have the American name, one has just the 1881 patent date, and one has no embossing at all. Given a "normal" progression, one might think that the no embossing style came first, followed by the one with just the patent, then the ones with the American name. Does anyone know if shards of the no name CD 105 were found at the Lyndeborough site (the original link shows 2 pi! cs of unembossed 134s, but doesn't actually say they were found there)? Any thought on whether the CD 105 might have (also) been produced by a different company than Lyndeborough?

Regardless, it would seem that the CD 105 was of a relatively short manufacturing period, 1880-1886 or so at the longest.

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