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CD 103 - Insulator of the Week on Mon, 15 Sep 2008



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Embossing Types: B; Gayner No. 6; and unembossed (NN).

B: Produced by Brookfield with a capital letter "B" embossed on the skirt, either centered or offset to the left. All are smooth base. Found in shades of aqua and green. The deeper green to yellow olive green shades are the most sought after colors. The aqua ones are sometimes found with snow. I have no data on areas of usage, so please contribute info if you can.

Gayner: Although not the rarest style made by Gayner (CD 107 holds that distinction), it is considered quite scarce based on the numbers known in the hobby today. These are usually produced with quality glass and don't vary much, if at all, in their aqua color. They are smooth base. My data has New Jersey as one area of usage.

NN: Only one listing appears, with mold line over dome and smooth base, in teal aqua. I don't recall ever personally seeing one. Please share your info and/or pics if you have seen one.


These CD 103s appear to be a later variant of the CD 104 style, providing a wider and deeper wire groove. The Gayner mold style appears to have slightly less of a downward outward taper to the skirt than the "B" mold style.

Want to learn more about the CD 103? Go to: [1]

For the porcelain collectors, here are a couple of the porcelain equivalents: PicturePoster #110718587

These brief comments on the Insulator of the Week are not intended to be complete and are presented to stimulate and encourage discussion and additional information from ICON. Now it's your turn to share info and/or post a photo of your favorite CD 103's!




John McDougald commented on Mon, 15 Sep 2008

A couple pieces of information on the CD 103. I know one place where the B's were used -- Rockford, IL. I purchased part of a collection from a lineman in Rockford, and he had a bunch of the CD 103 B's. Included were about six of the green/yellow green ones, and when I asked him about them, he said something close to the following: "Oh yeah, I remember picking them off the lines here. There were so many green ones and so few aqua ones that we thought that the aqua ones were the rare ones, so we left a lot of the green one on the lines." I think he did most of his picking back in the 60's, so you can get a feel for the mentality of the collector back then.

Also, I have some information on the unembossed CD 103. To the best of my knowledge, I have the only one known in the hobby. I acquired it about 15 years ago from a lightning rod ball collector in Illinois. I traded him a set of plain white pendants with the hanger for it. It has an interesting story. The LRB collector was a serious fisherman, and had taken a fishing trip to Siberia. One of the side trips took them to a concentration camp not too many miles from where they were fishing. Of course it had long since been abandoned. There were a few utility poles with wires and insulators hanging down, and one in particular caught his eye. He had the guide climb the pole and bring it down to him. That's the CD 103 unembossed. It has standard US threads, and I have speculated that it is Canadian manufacture since they did a lot more trading with Russia than the US did in the likely time frame of its manufacture, which I estimate to be 1870 - 1880 (just a guess).

Hope that fills in a few holes regarding CD 103.

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