IOTW CD 130.1

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CD 130.1 - Insulator of the Week on Sat, 21 Jun 2008


Fluted Cal Elec

Related Patents



Embossing: Cal Elec Works Patent

Colors: Aqua and cobalt blue.


In 1878, the Ridge Telephone Company in Northern California completed the nation's first long distance telephone line through the Sierra Nevada Mountains. This line spanned nearly 60 miles, providing communication for gold mining operations. There were a total of 22 Edison telephones in operation between French Coral and Milton, CA. Most of the CD 130.1 cobalt blue Cal Elec Works known in the hobby today were used on this line, possibly as later replacements for the original insulators (most likely EC&Ms, which have also been found on this line).

It is said that the cobalts were also used on a line that ran through California's Mojave Desert. I am only aware of pieces that were found on this line. Any others found elsewhere?

The cobalt examples are found in two primary shades: deep, nearly royal cobalt; and a lighter shade that passes light fairly well. Most suffer from some degree of chipping or flaking of the wire groove flutes.

The aqua CD 130.1 Cal Elec Works are very rare. Can someone provide any further information on these? Where they were used or found?

These brief comments on the Insulator of the Week are not intended to be complete and are presented to encourage discussion and additional information from ICON. Now it's your turn to share info and/or post a photo of your CD 130.1!




James Doty commented on Sun, 22 Jun 2008

Jack Roach commented on Sun, 22 Jun 2008

I have posted a picture of the CD130.1 in the article about the Ridge Telephone Company at PicturePoster #218739752. The article is at [1]. The insulator had a chip in the rear and has since been repaired.

Paul Greaves commented on Sun, 22 Jun 2008

I have to take exception to the caption that states that one photo is of a place where the Ridge telephone line crossed the first transcontinental phone line... the route of the Ridge line was nowhere near the route of the transcontinental! Other than that it's a great story! But uncorrected misinformation has a way of propagating, so I had to say something. I suspect the truth may be that it was indeed a Bell Telephone line that the Ridge line was crossing, perhaps even installed as a local connection when the transcontinental line went in.

A couple related notes concerning the CD130.1 insulator of the week: They have indeed been found in other places besides the Ridge line. One came from the small town of Volcano, Ca. I have also heard of a few coming from the Santa Cruz area, but I haven't been able to verify it. And I do have a broken one from southern California. The finder said he found it along a railroad, along with many broken aqua CD130's. He searched high and low for another cobalt, but found none. (If anyone has a broken one with a good dome that I can use for repairing mine, please contact me!)

I have heard of two places that aqua CD130.1s were used. One is on a line to a sawmill near Truckee, Ca. and the other was on a line near Fort Jones in northern California. Neither seems to be a good prospect for finding more, but you never know for sure...

James Doty commented on Mon, 23 Jun 2008

From my collection on the web Ridge Telephone message

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