IOTW CD 247.3

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CD 247.3 - Insulator of the Week on Thu, 12 Jun 2008



Related Patents


Embossing: (f) Pat'd by F.M. Locke Victor, N.Y. (r) March 31, 1914, Feb 2, 1915. No. 7. Oct 12, 1915

Color: Straw.

CD 247.3


Made for Fred Locke by Corning Glass Works. I have only heard of one known in the hobby, but please correct this if you have additional information. This is a relatively recent CD issue, having been designated in 2002. The patent dates on this insulator are tied to patents by Fred Locke for boron additives to glass to prevent cracking of the insulator when exposed to extreme temperature fluctuations, plus it was also said to provide increased electrical insulation capabilities. It is interesting to note that the embossing is upside-down, but that is not uniquely unusual for Fred Locke insulators.

These brief comments on the Insulator of the Week are not intended to be complete and are presented to encourage discussion and additional information from ICON. Now it's your turn to share info and/or post a photo (?) of a CD 247.3!




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