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CD 151 - Insulator of the Week on Thu, 15 May 2008


Those with the "N.A.T.Co." embossing are often simply referred to as "Natco's".

Related Patents



Embossing: We will only cover the H.G. Co CD 151 in this installment of IOTW. There are three primary embossings. The first, and the one with the least amount of embossing, is the "H.G. Co." on the front and "Petticoat" on the rear (some also have the blotted out patent date). These are usually found with a smooth base, but there is a SDP listed in aqua (anyone have one they can post a pic of?). Second is the "H.G. Co Pat'd May 2^nd 1893" on the front and "Petticoat" on the back. These are always found with sharp drip points, with or without small sharp drips on the inner skirt. The third primary embossing is the same as the second, with the addition of N.A.T.Co. to the dome (North American Tel Co.). There are several variations, including blot outs and errors involved within the three primary embossing listed here.

Colors: A spectacular array of colors can be found in the H.G. Co. CD 151s! The most popular of all with collectors seems to be the peacock blue shades. Although a bit pricey when found in mint condition, the peacock blue CD 151s are plentiful enough to be steadily available. Most are found with the NATCO embossing. Aqua, green and shades of electric blue and the rare cobalt blue (only two or three known) can also be found in the NATCO version. The very deep, yet vibrant shade of peacock blue is often erroneously referred to as cobalt blue. The true cobalt blue NATCOs are actually a lighter cobalt blue shade, much like what is found in the lighter cobalt Hemingray CD 162 signals. Another SDP favorite is the ice aqua with purple swirls. Most of these were found in Central California. A few other SDP colors are: Hemingray blue, snowy aqua, milky aqua, dark yellow green and yellow olive amber. A very long list of colors exist in the smooth base types, with m! any shades of aqua, blue and green. Some of the more fabulous colors are: bubbly clear, cornflower blue, depression glass green, jade green milk, forest green, shades of dark yellow green to yellow olive green with amber, orange brown amber and purple. I'll leave the locations where many of these colors have been found for ICON participation. Please share!

Comments: This style was introduced primarily for telegraph and railroad communication use. Occasionally there are reports of H.G. Co CD 151s with round drips, or some having both sharp and round drips. These are most likely the result of underpoured or underdeveloped sharp drips.

Some super CD 151 H.G. Co. pics can be found at the two following Crown Jewels of the Wire links:



PicturePoster #144343420 (bubbly light jade)

PicturePoster #98493689 (true cobalt blue)

PicturePoster #142426334 (cornflower blue)

PicturePoster #53203220 (ice aqua/purple)

PicturePoster #138730058 (ice aqua/olive amber)

PicturePoster #142426631 (true green sdp)

These brief comments on the Insulator of the Week are not intended to be complete and are presented to encourage discussion and additional information from ICON. Now it's your turn to share info and/or post photos of your favorite CD 151 H.G. Co.s!




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