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Insulator of the Week

CD 734 - Fri, 11 Apr 2008


Falls within the "Hat" or "Top Hat" style. Often heard referred to as "little McMicking hat".

Patent Information


Embossing Types

(front skirt) McMicking (rear skirt) Victoria. B.C 75. There are two variants, the second contains an additional period after the "C" in B.C.


Mostly shades of aqua to blue aqua, but can occasionally be found in light green. A few prize specimens exist with large graphite-colored bubbles, some with olive amber swirling.


This is one of the most affordable of the threadless pin-type insulators. A large cache was discovered several years ago along the North Thompson River in BC, Canada. The insulators were delivered, stored, and then abandoned due to a route change during the construction of the Transcontinental Railway in Canada. Robert McMicking was superintendent for Western Union in B.C. for ten years, beginning in 1870 or 1871. Many more details, including info on the cache discovery can be found in the May 2001 issue of Crown Jewels of the Wire at:

| The MicMicking Insulator

Some can exhibit very short skirts, sometimes partially obliterating the embossing.

These brief comments on the Insulator of the Week are not intended to be complete and are presented to encourage discussion and additional information from ICON. Now it's your turn to share info and/or post photos of your favorite CD 734!


David Dahle commented on Fri, 11 Apr 2008

I want to point out something that I noticed when I had a McMicking in my collection... Look on the upper part of the wire groove on the 'Victoria, BC' side... In the center you will see a number - you will need to turn the insulator 90 degrees clockwise to see the number clearly. This is readily apparent in the 'as short as a McMicking' picture. Are there any other numbers besides 16?

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