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CD 285


Edison (due to upper half resembling a light bulb)

Patent Information

An unrelated F.M Locke patent contains a drawing of a similarly shaped insulator: Utility Patent 484,209 issued to Fred M. Locke on October 11, 1892

Embossing Types

No Embossing: These are found in aqua and blue, plus shades of green, from lime green to deep yellow green. A small number of the deep yellow green examples have been seen with amber swirling, giving them a near yellow olive green appearance.

No data on areas of usage, so hopefully someone can share such info with us? Manufacturer is unknown(?), but they sure scream of a Knowles product, which would likely tie into an Elmer glass company. Any researchers have any info?

A porcelain version exists as U-356.

These brief comments on the Insulator of the Week are not intended to be complete and are presented to encourage discussion and additional information from ICON. Now it's your turn to share info and/or post photos of your favorite CD 285 "Edison"!


Brian Riecker commented on Thu, 13 Mar 2008

Here's mine. Does someone have a nicer one.

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