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Insulator of the Week

CD 101 - Fri, 29 Feb 2008


Mushroom Top

Related Patent

The CD 101 was a later design variant derived from Tillotson's original introduction of the "pony" insulator (CD 102) that was patented by Brookfield in 1879 (patent applied for in 1878): Design Patent 10,981 issued to James Brookfield on January 14, 1879


Manufacturer: Brookfield-- Two primary embossing variants exist: "Brookfield No 9" and simply "Brookfield". Shop numbers can be found on the dome and/or skirt on some. They are found with a smooth base or sharp drip points.

CD 101 & 102 comparison: PicturePoster #133720894

Colors: Varying shades of aqua, blue and green; including yellow green, emerald green, olive green, olive amber and red amber. Some of the olive to red amber shades contain beautiful amber "tiger stripes". Some aqua examples have been found with milk swirling, with some appearing near jade-like. A few have also been seen with milky carbon bands throughout. As would be expected with Brookfield products, rocks, debris and large bubbles have also been found in CD 101s.

This CD is often found crudely made, especially the smooth base examples. My personal favorites are those found with offset domes, where the mold was not properly aligned and the domes emerged appearing as though they are at the verge of sliding off. The sharp upper wire ridge is often very sharp, making them prone to damage.

It appears Brookfield produced the CD 101 later in their insulator production period, possibly as late as the 1915-1920 period? There exists the possibility that the CD 101 was a beefier, upgraded design that was put into production as an eventual replacement for the standard CD 102 style, but that is only speculation. There is much more to the CD 101 that can be discussed here, so please join in!

These brief comments on the Insulator of the Week are not intended to be complete and are presented to encourage discussion and additional information from ICON. Now it's your turn to share info and/or post photos of your favorite CD 101!

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