Brookfield CD 101

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CD 1014 - Insulator of the Week on Mon 29 Dec 2008


Yandell Patent

Related Patents

Utility Patent 8438 issued to John Yandell on October 14, 1851


Embossing Types & Colors:

No embossing. Found in shades of aqua, blue and green. Milky green appears to be the most sought after by collectors.

Smithsonian examples

Additional Comments:

I may have more questions than answers for this very early pre pintype glass insulator, so please add your knowledge. My personal assumption would be that CDs 1010, 1012, 1013 & 1014 were all the result of John Yandell's patent of 1851. After viewing the "known specimens" information associated with the patent link above, only CDs 1012 & 1014 are listed as examples of Yandell's patent, with CDs 1010 & 1013 omitted. When studying Yandell's patent drawing and reading his patent text, one clearly realizes that Yandell offered modifications to his design. None of the patent drawings appear to be exact matches to any of the CDs we now have classified today, so is it not also possible that all of the CD listings from CD 1010 through 1014, and even possibly through 1016, could be the result of Yandell's patent, some with later modifications?

Yandell's patent was similar to the earlier 1846 block insulators, only cylindrical in design. When reading through the patent information it is quite apparent that installing a Yandell insulator was quite involved. It's no surprise that pintypes eventually became the lineman's choice over the Yandell (and several other early pre pintypes) that required time consuming installations. CD 1014s have reportedly been found in Georgia. I'm sure other discovery locations can be added to the list?

These brief comments on the Insulator of the Week are not intended to be complete and are presented to stimulate and encourage discussion and additional information from ICON. Now it's your turn to share info and/or post a photo of your favorite CD 1014!




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