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Revision as of 12:13, 11 November 2008
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| discussion = | discussion =
 +| name = Dan Gay
 +| date = Wed, 12 Nov 2008
 +| comment =
 +I have these two JUMBO'S in my collection. The peculiar thing about them is
 +the flat top. It appears to have been worn down or intentionally ground down
 +flat. Can someone tell me how that happens ? I have seen the same thing on
 +other insulators as well.
 +Here is the link to a picture I posted some time ago.
 +{{PicturePoster |id=224845219}}
 +| name = Denny Hackthorne
 +| date = Wed, 12 Nov 2008
 +| comment =
 +They were probably used as chair insulators for a very, very large person.
 +| name = Ron Yuhas
 +| date = Tue, 25 Nov 2008
 +| comment =
 +It seems like the "Insulator Of The Week" becomes more like the insulator of the month before I finally get some photos posted. My computor skills are quite limited when it comes to posting so it is fortunate I am able to talk Peg into some help. It would be great to see any photos of Jumbos in service if anyone had any.
 +My photos of Jumbos start at;
 +* {{PicturePoster |id=232206806}}
}} }}

Current revision


CD 140 - Insulator of the Week on Mon 10 Oct 2008



Related Patents



Embossing Types & Colors:

1. Front skirt "Jumbo". Found in aqua to dark aqua. 2. Front skirt "Jumbo; rear skirt "Patd June 17, 1890 Aug 19, 1890"; base "Oakman Mfg. Co. Boston". Found in aqua to light green aqua. 3. Front skirt "Jumbo"; base "Oakman Mfg. Co. Boston". Found in aqua to rich blue aqua. 4. Base only "Oakman Mfg. Co. Boston". Pretty much just plain aqua. 5. No embossing. Here's where the great colors come in! First off is clear; then on to aqua, blue aqua, jade aqua milk and turquoise blue; several shades of green, including green, dark green, lime green, yellow green, chartreuse green, 7-up green, olive green and olive amber; finally light purple and medium purple. Most of the non aqua colors are considered scarce to quite rare. I only know of 3 confirmed purples; some say 4-5 known.

Jumbos are occasionally found with milk stringers and a few smaller bubbles. I don't recall ever seeing one with large bubbles, prominent amber swirling or outstanding debris (has anyone?). Base underpours are occasionally found, typically on the unembossed examples.

Additional Comments

Most of the CD 140 Jumbos in collections today were salvaged from the Boston subway systems where they held 600 volt DC cables. A few were found elsewhere, such as industrial buildings, etc. Many of the Jumbos were removed by collectors from the Boston subways back in the mid 1970s, leaving the live cables resting on bare crossarms. It is reported that this caused subway fires in more than one instance!

It is interesting to note that the two patent dates embossed on the Oakman examples have no association with the design of the CD 140 Jumbos. One patent is for projecting "ears" (would apply to the 269 Jumbo); the other is for ridges around the inner surface of the skirt. Those without the Oakman embossing are suspected to be Brookfield products.

These brief comments on the Insulator of the Week are not intended to be complete and are presented to stimulate and encourage discussion and additional information from ICON. Now it's your turn to share info and/or post a photo of your favorite CD 140s!




Dan Gay commented on Wed, 12 Nov 2008

I have these two JUMBO'S in my collection. The peculiar thing about them is the flat top. It appears to have been worn down or intentionally ground down flat. Can someone tell me how that happens ? I have seen the same thing on other insulators as well. Here is the link to a picture I posted some time ago. PicturePoster #224845219

Denny Hackthorne commented on Wed, 12 Nov 2008

They were probably used as chair insulators for a very, very large person.

Ron Yuhas commented on Tue, 25 Nov 2008

It seems like the "Insulator Of The Week" becomes more like the insulator of the month before I finally get some photos posted. My computor skills are quite limited when it comes to posting so it is fortunate I am able to talk Peg into some help. It would be great to see any photos of Jumbos in service if anyone had any.

My photos of Jumbos start at;

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