Insulator of the Week

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Revision as of 19:53, 11 February 2008
Andrew Gibson (Talk | contribs)
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Andrew Gibson (Talk | contribs)
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[[CD 211]] on February 1, 2008 [[CD 211]] on February 1, 2008
-[[CD 251]] & [[CD 250)]] on February 7, 2008+[[CD 251]] & [[CD 250]] on February 7, 2008
[[Category: Insulator of the Week]] [[Category: Insulator of the Week]]

Revision as of 19:57, 11 February 2008

Initiated by Dwayne Anthony on December 26, 2007. In his words:

A "Topic-master" would post a short intro on a different, randomly selected CD style each week. The chosen CD style would then be open for general discussion by all ICONers, with encouragement to contribute general comments, informational data, research, patent info, etc., plus post photos of favorites from your collection. Many CDs are listed with several manufacturers and may need to be divided into subgroups, whereas others are so similar that they can be combined. Not limiting the IOTW to just CD styles, we could even throw in a porcelain U or M number once in a while for our porcelain collectors, as well as an LRI style, radio strain, etc. Actually, many CD styles carry over into porcelain, so our porcelain collectors could contribute at such times, as well.

So, with considerable thought, I'll put my money where my mouth is and volunteer to give this a shot myself. If it is considered successful within the first few weeks we'll continue on with it indefinitely. I feel this will be a good opportunity for many of us to contribute information about our specialties, but more importantly, a good excuse to post photos of favorites from our collections (or from elsewhere with permission). I will not attempt to provide in depth information with each IOTW posting--that will be up to you. To lead the discussion, I will simply choose the insulator/CD style, provide a brief intro and possibly a photo or two.

I'll leave this open to your thoughts and comments before posting the first IOTW topic in the next day or two. I'll probably focus more on North American glass insulators at first. If this appears to be a successful endeavor, someone may consider becoming a topic-master for "Foreign Insulator of the Week", "Porcelain Insulator of the Week", etc.


Insulator of the week

CD 200 on December 27, 2007

CD 110 on January 02, 2008

CD 260 on January 10, 2008

CD 735.3 on January 18, 2008

CD 106 on January 24, 2008

CD 211 on February 1, 2008

CD 251 & CD 250 on February 7, 2008

Personal tools

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