Insulator Show Insulator Show
When: April 25 - 26 (Friday - Saturday)
Where: Atwood, Indiana
Hoosier Insulator & Collectibles Show (formerly Columbia City) Location: Atwood Community Building, 213 Hovie Street, Atwood, IN 46580. Hours: Fri dealer setup noon-2PM-public 2-5PM. Sat 7-last one leaves. Details: Formerly Columbia Insulator & Collectibles Show, we're moving to Atwood, IN, just a few miles west of Warsaw, just south of US30. Friday dealer setup starts at noon, the public at 2 PM. At 5 PM is free pizza, then at 5:30 our famous SHOW & TELL! Bring something with a story to share! Sat morning doors open at 7 AM EST, auction at 10 AM. There will be food available in the hall for Saturday. The show is usually done by early afternoon, so come early. GET TO A SHOW!!! Contact: Gene Hawkins, , 574-377-0171; Mike McLaughlin, , 574-377-5490