In the summer of 1990, Bill Rohde and his father, Don, were driving to the Cedar Rapids National show. While driving east on IH-90 near Butte, MT they noticed a line of Muncies running along and close to the highway. At one point they crossed under the line. They exited and entered a small town which had a connecting line from the Muncie line to a substation that supplied power to the town. |
One photo shows six Muncies on a double crossarm. This was the end of the distribution line that feed down to a bank of transformers. The strings of porcelain suspension insulators that drop the power line down to the transformers are a style that Bill has never seen before. The petticoat was a double ring and the underside was recessed unusually deep to the connecting pin. |
Some of the photos show CD 151's on the same pole. These are marked only with an embossed vertical bar and are sage green in color. |
Note the stainless steel metal bands on the ends of a couple of the crossarms apparently used to keep the ends of the crossarms from splitting. |
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Last updated Saturday, August 12, 2000