The Demise of Pyrex Insulators in Corning, NY

Photographs and story by Greg HaferView Icon Profile

Three Pyrex insulators on crossarms The following pictures were taken here in Corning, NY. This line is where my father (a chief lineman for New York State Electric & Gas - now retired) first put up the Corning Pyrex insulators and later replaced them with the porcelain U-817A�s. The line is 34.5kv and was built around 1942. It is now mostly just a memory of that entire line being full of CD 326�s, CD 327�s and even the CD 327 �small top� variation. There are still a few poles with the Pyrex on them as you can see in the pictures but 90% of that line has now been upgraded to the U-817A porcelain piece. I have seen many lines in the past with the CD 327�s in both carnival and clear but it is a rarity to see the CD 326�s still in use. This line also sports a few of the CD 325�s in clear. When my father started upgrading this line, he would bring home some beautiful carnival glass pieces. It was like Christmas back then. I was 10 at the time and can remember the station wagon FULL of Pyrex! That was 25 years ago and a memory that will never be repeated. I hope you enjoy the pictures.

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Please send your questions and comments to Greg HaferView Icon Profile at

Last updated Tuesday, October 8, 1996

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