Multipart Porcelain Insulators
by Elton Gish
380 pages, 8 1/2" x 11", soft or hard bound (2000) |
The first book about Multipart Porcelain Insulators was published in 1988. It was the only book dealing exclusively with pin-type porcelain insulators made up of 2-, 3-, and 4-shells cemented together. Only 345 styles of Multipart Porcelain Insulators were cataloged with M-Numbers. This new 2nd edition book includes 227 new Multipart Styles for a total of 568 different styles -- and an amazing 5-part insulator has been added, too!
The book has a full color photograph on the cover (soft cover book only) showing old multiparts in service in a beautiful mountain scene. The 380-page book has a detailed history of electrical power and of many early power lines across the country using both glass (Provo, Muncie, Pomona, Santa Ana) and porcelain insulators, patents, 38 pages of markings found on multis, history of manufacturers, trade journal advertisements, completely re-worked M-Chart, catalog cross reference, listing of all known multipart insulators, notes reported by collectors on significant multipart styles, dozens of photographs of multipart porcelain insulators from all types of sources, many photographs of northern California lines that used Fred Locke M-2795's most of which have never been published or seen by collectors, previously unknown photograph of the M-2795 assembly yard, details and photographs of the Bay Counties Carquinez crossing, never before seen test photographs taken by Fred Locke circa 1904 (photos of Locke, Thomas, and Muncie insulators some of which are unknown styles), Stone & Webster drawing of insulators from 1903-1904, a Value Guide section to help the collector determine values for specific insulators, and, of special interest, numerous sections written by collectors detailing multiparts they found searching specific old power lines.
In addition, a unique internet web site will be announced at a later date that will contain color photographs of old Multipart Porcelain Insulators both still in service and in captivity. Many collectors have sent the author photographs and the best ones will be put on the web site for all to enjoy. Many of the rare and beautiful insulators captured in photographs over the years are no longer "in the air".
Only 200 volumes of the book will be produced in hard cover.
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Last updated January 1, 2010