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LEFT: CD 145 EIN080. There is a backwards C on the dome and under H.G. CO. There is an amber loop that starts over the "H" goes up to almost the top of the pin hole and then ends in a big gob or polywogg to the left side of the PETTCOAT embossing. There is a flat 1&½ inch base chip just below the glob. There is a half inch base flake opposite the amber glob. There is a white mark ping over the "A" in petticoat. There are several light annealing lines in the skirt. NOW $125 to INCLUDE shipping in the USA. $150 to INCLUDE shipping to Canada, cost to be declared at $115. RIGHT: CD 145 EIN140 letter M. There are several nice bubbles behind both the front and rear skirt embossings. There is about an inch of nibbling at the left mold line of the upper wire ridge and a tiny skirt flake just right ot the T in PETTICOAT. I found three baby flea bites and some roughness around the edge of the petticoat. After looking at other blue petticoats on ICON, I believe it is Sky Blue. There is some aqua in Sky Blue. $40 to INCLUDE shipping in the USA $65 to INCLUDE shipping to Canada, cost to be declared at $30. Please use PayPal NO Fee / Family & Friends, or mail a MO or check. Please email before sending payment. |