Rare Unlisted Porcelain Dryspot Insulator! Sold

By Caleb Thimell; posted May 30, 2024

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Here's a RARE unlisted porcelain dryspot insulator from the UK! This is special for two reasons: This dryspot is tall! Measures 5 5/8" tall x only 2 3/4" wide! (Far left in the photo). Note how tall the cap is on this- 1 3/4" tall! The cap appears to be made from early dry process porcelain as it has the characteristic thin cracking but the main insulator appears to be wet process. The cap has a 1 1/4" hairline on the cap. Never seen another in this size or pattern!

There is a UK dryspot insulator listed on the NIA website with a large cap but this one is bigger yet with a completely different pattern!! And this dryspot has the sloping neck (like U-1939) without an extended wiregroove. Has crisp Bullers logo on the skirt.

First email gets this RARE unlisted (in books and NIA website) insulator for the slashed price of only $175 plus 11 shipping. Thanks!