Hemingray No. 9 [250] stamp embossing - unusual mold with 9 under the A in HEMINGRAY

By David Whitten; posted May 27, 2024

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Just for reference - the stamp-embossed "HEMINGRAY / No. 9 // PATENT / MAY 2 1893" [250] index examples can be found with the "9" placed in many slightly different positions, ranging from centered underneath the IN, N, NG, G, GR, R, RA, or below and slightly to the left or right of any of those letters.

But there is only one mold that I've seen before in which the 9 is placed directly below the "A" in "Hemingray". Although the average collector would not notice it as anything unusual, this mold is VERY difficult to find. Unless you are very lucky, it might take years to find one!

Also, for reference, this particular mold also has a "dropped 9" in the date "1893" on reverse side. Are there any other molds with the 9 positioned this far to the right? Possibly. Who knows? Can you find one? :-) [id=721390632] to see next photo.