A picture of the gray M-2140s on their original line - comments from the late Mike Parker years ago: "Old 2 circuit pole in Gales Creek, Oregon. The top arm was originally 6600 v. but was upgraded to 7.2/12.5 Y. The insulators were not changed so they are very small for that voltage. The middle arm is even more interesting since it was using recycled 1910 era gray glazed Victor M-2140 multiparts. It is a downgraded 24kV line and at one time was running at 24kV below a 6.6 kV line and breaking the rule of the highest voltage always on top!" It is possible that the majority of the gray M-2140 in the hobby originated from this line. When Mike was still alive, he said he'd been keeping an eye on some that were still in use near Dilley, Oregon. |