What's On The Tube 4

By James A Lindsey Jr; posted July 4, 2023

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In this lot we have some classic glazed styles and then start to get into the standard tubes from various manufacturers. From left to right: marked with a triangle or Arrowhead. I believe these to be of Canadian origen because the ones I have came from there and I've heard of others. I have in the next posting a picture of a Canadian General Electric Co. catalog page that shows a style that looks exactly the shape of these. It doesn't show a mark but it's a good assumption. After these are ones marked with a C possibly Colonial Insulator & Sign Co., After those three are two marked COOK for Cook Pottery Co., Next is a split unusual tube marked P&S (Pass & Seymour). This is the only tube I have from them. Would love to find some others. Last three are made from Anderson Porcelain Co. The two smaller ones are marked A.P.Co. while the larger one is marked with fancy letters THE A.P. Co.