Spools of Interest

By James A Lindsey Jr; posted February 21, 2023

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Has anyone ever seen or know of any of these spools. I have yet to see any examples in my 35 + years of collecting and would surely enjoy any pictures or offers of ones for sale if they exist. These were taken from insulator catalog pages combined picture. The first spools are from a Cook Porcelain Co catalog. I have several strains from them but have yet to see a spool. The next one is from a Federal Porcelain Co. catalog. I have and have seen plenty of strains and knobs but never a rack spool, Next are two pictured from the Electrical Supplys Service Co. for Franklin Porcelain. I have one in similar shape to the bottom one but is not marked. Again have seen plenty of strains but no spools. Last is a spool from Hartford Faience Co. A-117. I have a few strains but have never seen a spool marked H A117. Would love to find any of these. Always on the lookout for pieces and markings I don't have. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Sorry about the quality. Cameras old and I'm getting there. Take care stay safe and be well to all.