By Michael Swanson; posted October 25, 2022

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From my collection to yours - here's a two dot mold WFG toll in Eaton blue with ever so slight of amber influences in the left of the skirt. Many of these were used on the toll line along Hwy 85 near Eaton, CO between Denver running north to Greeley and Cheyenne, WY; thus the nickname Eaton blue. Sadly, most of these lines and the Denver glass on them disappeared by the late 1960's, but a few remained in service until the late 1980's. Cannot find anything wrong with this one save for the shallow lower wire ridge chip as seen in the photo. Glass is filled with fizzy bubbles and the surface has that watery look so many collectors like. Front of the dome is ghost embossed "WFG" as well. A very nice insulator! $55 shipped to your door or PO Box. PayPal only, please. Thank you!