2022 California Surprise Contest for Springfield Guests. Cash Bounty for all Winners!

By Colin Jung; posted October 13, 2022

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California Surprise Contest for 2022 Springfield Show Attendees.

Bring Cal go-withs or CALIFORNIA-made insulators for show and tell that I have never seen an example before: unusual color/CD combination, unusual manufacturing anomaly, unusual inclusion or quantity of inclusions, etc. and win a $10 cash prize from Colin Jung for each Cal surprise regardless of whether it is for sale or not. No limitation on how much you can win.

2021 Springfield Show Cal Surprise Winners: Andrew Gibson, Terry Drollinger and Dudley Ellis (not pictured).

2022 Gettysburg National Cal Surprise Winner: John Rajpolt [id= 663881826]

Here are some examples that would surprise me and earn you a ten spot. Check back to this posting for more additions to the list:

CD102 CALIFORNIA in aqua or green;

CD102 C.G.I.Co. in blue or in aqua (PT mold); sage green (RT mold);

CD112 CALIFORNIA in aqua or green;

CD114 CALIFORNIA in a solid green color:

CD121 CALIFORNIA in green or off-clear;

CD133 CALIFORNIA in smoke, yellow; sage green or green;

CD134 CALIFORNIA in green;

CD134 CALIFORNIA with an "A" on the dome;

CD145 POSTAL in a smokey yellow or yellow;

CD152 CALIFORNIA in a peach;

CD152 CALIFORNIA (taper top mold) in green;

CD160 CALIFORNIA in a true sage green; aqua; or citrine

CD161 CALIFORNIA in blue with an "A" on the dome;

CD162 CALIFORNIA in a true sage green color (like a Cal CD 161); true green

CD164 No Embossing (Cal Product) in aqua;

CD178 303/SANTA ANA (no CALIFORNIA embossing) in sage green;

CD178 CALIFORNIA 303/SANTA ANA in yellow, green, two-tone or a light yellow green;

CD187 CALIFORNIA in sage green;

CD200 CALIFORNIA in yellow or sage green or green;

CD210 No Embossing in smoke/off clear;

CD260 CALIFORNIA in smoke

CD260 CALIFORNIA pinch ear helmet in blue;

Any Cal CD in copper except for CD 161 and CD 121;

Any Cal CD in a jade color;

Also manufacturing oddities, unusual junk in glass, amber swirling in most Cal CD's, olive swirling in some Cal CD's, short pours (underpour affects entire base), large hare lip underpours;

Any floaters in Cal double petticoat insulators, except the CD 178