Framingham, MA, 1970. Long Box Car on RR Tracks Next to Old Telegraph Pole Line.

By Joe Maurath, Jr.; posted October 1, 2022

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I believe this was a spur or connecting line that ran from the main route that extended from Boston (about 15 miles to the east). Back in 1969-1970 the late Margaret Oveson and I scouted the above line and numerous insulators were located without wires like on the pole you see here. These were CD 162 Brookfields (skinny style without the New York embossing). There also were some in-use that were swapped out along the main route in Framingham (adjacent to GE's Clock Works).that carried signal wires. These Brookfields were found along two or three rather short stretches and ranged from near-clear to light-medium purple. We liberated about 40 of them.