Awe Nuts Revisited

By James A Lindsey Jr; posted September 16, 2022

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Since I was on the subject of wire nuts, I have added a lot more to my collection since the pictures I posted a few years ago. I'm not going to get to much into the meaning of the markings on the pieces. Some I know and others I still haven't found out who they are yet. This picture is of all the porcelain glazed wire nuts I have. Front Row Left to Right: D, Wiremold No 14, DP, Eagle 14-18, Eagle 1-1811-14, Electro #18, Electro #14. @nd Row: Simplex #18, Simplex medium, Simplex #18 different embossing, Simplex #14,Excel #3,Excel #5, Back Row- S, Diamond S, S small, P, CP, M, M small. The glazed ones are harder to find than the unglazed but they are all neat I think.