Six nice colored radio lightning arresters

By Bob Berry; posted January 16, 2022

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Insulators as follows -- actual postage additional: (Or take them all for $40)

(back left) CORWICO in dark cobalt dry process porcelain -- arrester guts removed -- $5

(second from back left) CORWICO in dark cobalt dry process porcelain -- arrester guts fully intact -- $8

(back right) VUTER / RADIO / LIGHTNING / ARRESTER / PATS. PEND. -- brown dry process porcelain -- arrester guts complete -- $8

(second from back right) CORWICO in lighter cobalt dry process porcelain -- arrester guts intact but no potting compound -- $8

(second from from front) CORWICO in lighter cobalt dry process porcelain -- arrester guts removed -- $5

(front) Tough to find glass arrester! embossed ANT and GND on the ends. -- arrester guts in place but no remaining potting compound -- $15

NOTE: I'm selling these insulators on behalf of the Jim Fielding estate -- PayPal (no fee friends and family) or checks are both accepted - I'll provide instructions. I'll also be handling all the packing and mailing.