THE ELECTRICAL SUPPLY 133.1 and 134 (134 is sold)

By Matthew Willett; posted January 3, 2022

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Left: light blue aqua 134 Front: THE ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO/CHICAGO Rear: 905. Two tiny wire rim flakes, nice milk swirl and larger bubbles in the right front. $75 shipped SOLD

Right: aqua 133.1, THE ELECTRICAL SUPPIY CO/CHICAGO (Note error "I" in SUPPLY. A tick on the crown in the front and a ping on the rear wire rim, otherwise very nice. $55 shipped

Take the pair for $120 shipped

I prefer payment through PayPal gift option or VENMO but I will accept other forms of payment. If you have any questions or would like more photos, don't hesitate to contact me. As always, thank you for checking out my listings!