2021-2022 Insulator Collectors Directory - Last Call!

By Nathan Holmes; posted October 10, 2021

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The printed directory has gone to press! Preorders for the 2021-2022 edition are closed!

The 2021-2022 printed directory is a high quality, spiral-bound, 5-1/2" x 8-1/2" book providing names, location and contact information for insulator collectors from around the world. This handy portable reference is the perfect compliment to the online version.

Those who pre-ordered will receive their copy in early November.

If you didn't get your pre-order in, a limited number of extra copies of 2021-2022 will be printed. They're sold by the NIA and can be ordered directly from the Insulator Collectors Directory website here: https://www.insulatorcollectors.org/purchase/

Or, alternately, find the NIA Products table at a show, and Darryl and Margaret would be happy to sell you one as long as supplies last.