Old porcelain spools

By James Mulvey; posted November 11, 2020

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20 ? years ago, I stumbled across an old dump site that had been covered over and long forgotten: I would guesstimate by the size of the trees for 30 ? years . I filled a pail with chipped porcelain and some old bottles laying on the surface that years of rains had uncovered. At the shows I have attended, I have seen very few spools with any glazes like these. I had one red spool that was sent to Australia, I know they are few and far between. One spool, front row to the right, is purple, hard to tell in the picture. Lots of orange porcelain, some cable top pieces, bottles - big, little, milk, named and no named, seemed to fare better. Over the years I have passed this location on to a couple collectors, but as far as I know, no one else has prospected it. Seems as soon as I ask if they have a shovel, they loose interest. I know I did ! Canadian General Electric had a facility nearby, but what they produced I have no idea. The material could be from the towns own utility company, or from GE. All the bottles I kept were made by Dominion.