Two sets of H.G. 145's in varied colors Set #2 PHOTO #2

By Peter Persoff; posted August 18, 2020

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Here's a second photo of the previously listed Two Sets of H.G. 145's. This one is Set #2...This picture taken in the back lighted cabinet to show them in another lighting condition. Here's the original dialog

Here is the second set of H.G. 145's in colors.

Far Left...(My # L) Here's a light cornflower blue piece...ein [130] with an "I" under the "G" in the front embossing. A few nice bubbles next to the front embossing and one on the dome top, a few tiny base bottom edge flakes is it for any issues...all are not viewable on display. The Guide says $50-75...let's NOW do it at $ 48 plus shipping.

Middle Right ..(My #N) ein [120] Large "B"under the rear embossing. This one is a light lime only has some rear base bottom chipping. Display's perfectly from the front. Guide says $30-40...let's NOW do this one at $26 plus shipping.

Middle Left..(My #M) ein [100] no letters...This one is clear...colorless....Other than some base chipping, there are no other flaws. Guide for this one says $75-100. Because of the base chipping, lets do it at $42 plus shipping

Far Right (My #O) ein [140] "I" over front embossing. This one is lime green. It has an interesting internal straw mark from dome to groove and a milky streak...both over the front embossing...a few nice bubbles there also!! A large bubble behind the "AT" in the rear emgossing...this one is essentially flawless!! Guide says $40-50...Let's NOW do this one at $44 plus shipping.

Plenty of additional photos available if interested and buy two or more, let's talk.