Two sets of H.G. 145's in varied colors Set #2

By Peter Persoff; posted August 9, 2020

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Here is the second set of H.G. 145's in colors.

Far Left...(My # L) Here's a light cornflower blue piece...ein [130] with an "I" under the "G" in the front embossing. A few nice bubbles next to the front embossing and one on the dome top, a few tiny base bottom edge flakes is it for any issues...all are not viewable on display. The Guide says $50-75...let's do it at $ 58 plus shipping.

Middle Left ..(My #N) ein [120] Large "B"under the rear embossing. This one is a light lime only has some rear base bottom chipping. Display's perfectly from the front. Guide says $30-40...let's do this one at $28 plus shipping.

Middle Right..(My #M) ein [100] no letters...This one is clear...colorless....Other than some base chipping, there are no other flaws. Guide for this one says $75-100. Because of the base chipping, lets do it at $45 plus shipping

Far Right (My #O) ein [140] "I" over front embossing. This one is lime green. It has an interesting internal straw mark from dome to groove and a milky streak...both over the front embossing...a few nice bubbles there also!! A large bubble behind the "AT" in the rear emgossing...this one is essentially flawless!! Guide says $40-50...Let's do this one at $48 plus shipping.

Plenty of additional photos available if interested and buy two or more, let's talk.

Thanks for looking, Peter