Seven more colorful tolls! Sale

By Bob Berry; posted June 27, 2020

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Insulators as follows -- actual postage additonal:

CD 121 A.T.& T.Co. (00 on dome) -- nice green, base outer edge roughness where glass squeezed out - likely factory -- $18 (SOLD)

CD 121 (dome) PAT'D SEPT. 19TH 1899 -- aqua -- VNM -- $25

CD 121 (dome) PAT'D SEPT. 19TH 1899 -- green-aqua -- three tiny pecks -- $30

CD 121 AM. TEL. & TEL. Co. (backwards 14 on dome) -- cool green! small chip at base edge -- $8 (SOLD)

CD 121 U.S.TEL.CO. (1 on dome) -- great color!! -- VNM -- $55

CD 121 no markings -- four ribs (Duquesne product) -- VNM - $8 (SOLD)

CD 121 BROOKFIELD // "four blot out circles" -- nice amber and some snow -- $8

NOTE: I'm selling these insulators on behalf of the Jim Fielding estate -- PayPal (no fee friends and family) or checks are both now accepted - I'll provide instructions. I'll also be handling all the packing and mailing.