U-188 Porcelain Dry Spot Insulators 5

By James A Lindsey Jr; posted March 25, 2020

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Here is a photo of my other white and a brown examples when the name was changed to A E Co. Inc Chicago ILL (front) Pat'd Pend'g (back). This is embossed on the front and re emboseed on the back like the American style. This shows the variance in the older style with a flared skirt and the later style (brown one) with a straight skirt. I think these were produced clean into the 50's but not completely certain. I have a cd with an Automatic Electric Co catalog on it and it is dated 1949 showing the U-188. Both of these have the Square D Co. marking on the top. I have a med brown piece and the dark brown piece that are not marked with there trademark. Hope you enjoyed these photos. Take Care. Stay safe and well.