Wonderful World of Fence Insulators

By James A Lindsey Jr; posted December 16, 2019

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The recent post on Icon about the Red Snap'r red colored insulators and their change to prevent Hummingbird deaths inspired me to post pictures of a side collection of electric fence insulators I have. Growing up around farms I have always seen and had one or two insulators and is actually what I started collecting porcelain insulators with. Who hasn't had or used for crafts a neat fence insulator? Hope you enjoy the posts. The first two posts are of the largest manufacturer of fence and other insulators, Wisconsin Porcelain Co. Sun Prarie WI. As you will see allot of styles were copied or manufactured by them for other companies and stores and became the standard design for fence insulators. I like the many different markings they used such as WP, WISP, W-I-P-C,W-PC etc. This picture is of WISP No. 3 - WP 5 1/2