Back from on the Road to the Montana Regional

By Gilberto Hedges-Blanquez; posted July 30, 2019

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First thanks to Ron, Doug, Justin, Jay, and the great ladies who ran the front desk, and the auction. and the registration. Thanks to Robin Harrison for sharing the driving duties that got us there and back. Howard Banks for running the always fun Ugly Insulator Contest, Mike Green for his role as Master of Ceremony for the banquet and for the second year in the row including my liberal views in his act. To my friends who brought me insulators for my non-mint collection, Dario and Bill H. for some great deals on the Mexican insulators, Howard and Linda Banks and Tim and Joanne Woods For bringing their grand kids, I had a blast watching them have a grand time during the show. All my fellow Texans that attended the show and the so many Washington and Oregon folks that also attended the show. Cherry Terry Drollinger for being a great friend and letting me know where he saw insulators I might want to buy. Thanks to Tom and Linda for having dinner with Terry, Dan G. and me at a great Italian resturant, and Al and Carol Fix for having dinner with Jay, Robin, and I on Sunday night. Kathy Greaves for a great card holder. Now on to Bend Oregon for another great show!