2019 NIA Helena, MT Regional Wants

By Colin Jung; posted July 2, 2019

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Snapshot is a view of the insulators for sale at a Helena estate sale the first week in June. Wonder who was there?

I am looking for anything on my want list [id=549405707]

More likely items I am looking for include:

1) the Baum Ring top shell to a no name Thomas M-4415. Not fussy on the number of rings

2) CD 192 No Embossing (bottom of this two piece transposition)

3) threaded lead sleeve for my fire alarm bracket see [ id=120835072]

4) Pinch Ear California helmets CD 260[020] in green aqua and blue

5) regular California helmets CD 260[010] in smoke, ginger ale or good two-tones

6) CGICo ponies CD 102 not scarfed up by the Burger Brothers, particularly any blue ones

7) California embossed pony, CD 102 not scarfed up by the Burger Brothers, in aqua, but I will settle for if you have a green one.

8) California Santa Ana, CD 178 in light yellow green, smoke, and two-tones

9) California CD 145 in 2-tone with great color separation