By Paul Ziemer; posted July 2, 2019

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A few weeks ago, we drove up to Spokane, WA to enjoy breakfast at "Chaps." While there, we then toured some of the antique shops around the area. While pounding the pavement in downtown Spokanistan on our way to another shop I spotted an older white Toyota pickup truck WA License plate XXXXXX parked alongside the curb. This was not your ordinary Toyota pickup it was a vehicle I had encountered before in Oregon from a few years back. And now, here in downtown Spokane is the same truck. It is very distinctive looking vehicle and most likely is a ONE of a kind just like its owner! Both suspicious and cautious, I casually walked over to the truck to get a closer look and prove my suspicions were correct. There found in the bed of the truck were construction hand tools and materials. My first clue was on target as to whom I thought owned this truck. Looking in through the rear window I could see more carpenter tools and stuff. Moving in even closer attempting not to draw attention of bystanders, I looked through the open passenger window. There on the dashboard is where my suspicions were confirmed as to who owned this truck. Sitting there in broad daylight on the dashboard of this unlocked, open vehicle was a CD 133.1 Patent in a charming Ice Blue appearing color. I told my wife at the time (who thought I was nuts) that we got to find the owner of this truck. So, the search was on. Being that it was lunch time I thought this individual might be having lunch so I went and entered a nearby Pub and Grill to see if he was in there. Sure, enough he was. He was on his phone talking to some guy named Ron Yuhas over in Montana who by all accounts is one of the outlaws hosting the upcoming Western Regional. I do not believe the guy on the phone sitting in the Pub recognized me at first. I then informed this individual that he was under surveillance and we tracked him down to this pub. By this time, I had his complete attention and in addition drawn attention to the situation from fellow patrons who were sitting nearby. With that I thought I had better defuse this situation. So, what did I do? I introduced him to my wife (real smooth.) But forgot to tell him who I was! He seemed puzzled as he tried to place my face to a name while still on the phone with Ron who was likely wondering what the heck was going on! We then turned the discussion on to the insulator sitting on the dashboard of this truck which had led us into the pub. There was a sigh of relief from all of us. To this end I'm not sure if Brent Burger ever put a name to my face or not. As for finding any insulators that day? Nope. Only the one riding on the dashboard of Brent's truck. Thanks, Brent, for the impromptu meeting. We hope we did not spoil your lunch or your phone call with Ron!