LED #2

By Brian Riecker; posted May 17, 2018

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Here is why you won't be seeing any LED backlit cabinets from me anytime soon.

First pic is florescent and 2&3 show the grey lines with the LED bulbs.

I built a cabinet and wired it with both my regular fluorescents and the same number of direct wire LED bulbs that look like fluorescents, but do not need a ballest. Just sockets aka tombstones.

Used a double switch so either light can be on or off.

The LED light is a bit brighter and "whiter", and if you only intend on using your eyes to see what's in the cabinet; it's a great option, but if you plan on taking pictures of your insulators in a backlit cabinet and DO NOT want grey lines across your pictures, regular fluorescents are still the best option.

LED bulbs are currently $13 apiece when compared to the same specs on the fluorescent bulb I currently use. That's more than double the cost and even with the cost savings of not needing a ballast, you are still money ahead using regular tubes.

Fluorescents are rated at 30,000-36,000 hours and LED's are rated at 50,000 hours. I'm still using the original bulbs in my cases I built back in 2000. That's right! 18 years ago. Same bulbs!

I will continue to study and research the new bulb technology out there, but at this time; the regular bulbs are proven and the best value and best overall product for my customers.

That said, if someone wants LED's in a cabinet they order; that's fine. I'll just be sure to let them know about this issue.