The Un-Spudfest

By Brent Burger; posted March 11, 2018

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Widdo and I are excited to be promoting the Umpteenth Annual Spokanistan Show as an Un-Spudly Event, hosted by alternate wingman and erstwhile go-to guy Dan-Dan, the Porkchop man. Dan-Dan has been keeping his actual location a secret, but people close to the source indicate he's somewhere in the 12-to-15 hundred block of N. Wrangler Road. For those who like dropping missiles with pinpoint accuracy, those coordinates are: 47°40'07.5"N 117°39'47.8"W

Be sure to give Dan-Dan a call, if you need further assistance 509 . 220 . 9636

Plaid leisurewear and knits are this year's theme.