Railroad Rail? Streetcar Rail?

By Andy Schoenleben; posted August 17, 2017

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I was wondering if anybody knows what this piece of iron was used for? I am thinking either a railroad rail or a streetcar rail. There are no markings on the piece.


Brent Burger: It is a piece of rail for RR type traffic.  Lots of other stuff uses it too ….  cranes, etc.  It could just he a cut off end.  If it was used in a short length like this to span a rail gap on a railroad, it would be known as a "Dutchman".

John Wilson: This looks like a piece of rail that was cut off so that the remaining piece could be welded to another rail.  Rail welds are not allowed to have any holes within 6 inches of the weld and this is why the ends are cropped off.

Jack Synder: No way of knowing who it was used by. It appears to be early ... possibly Canadian ? ... much of the Canuck rail was British made.

Thanks to Brent, Jack, and John for answering my question.